Changing perspective - Finding hope. You are not alone.
The AUDIT questionnaire is designed to help in the self-assessment of alcohol consumption and to identify any implications for the person's health and wellbeing, now and in the future.
It consists of 10 questions on alcohol use. The responses to these questions can be scored and the total score prompts feedback to the person and in some cases offers specific advice.
> Take the Alcohol Self-Test Here​
This tool guides clinicians through a series of questions to identify risky substance use in their adult patients. The accompanying resources assist clinicians in providing patient feedback and arranging for specialty care, where necessary, using the 5 As of intervention.
Take this test in order to help identify any problems with substance abuse.
Jellinek Chart
The Jellinek Chart attempts to identify the progressive stages of alcoholism (though it can be used for most addictions), detailing very specific events and circumstances that come as a result of addiction throughout each phase.